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Larry Brooks

Former Superintendent, Culpeper County Public Schools

Kelley Pearson has decided to run for the Salem seat on the Culpeper County School Board. Theopening was created when the incumbent, Anne Luckinbill, decided not to seek re-election. I am grateful for Mrs. Luckinbill’s service on the board. I am also grateful Mrs. Pearson has decided to commit her time and skill to seek that position. I offer my support to her candidacy.

I first met Kelley in 1994 when I was appointed Superintendent for the school division and worked with her until 2001 when I retired. I have followed her career after my retirement and have great respect for her commitment to public schools and the wellbeing of students entrusted to her care by their parents. She has been an advocate for students and outspoken in her belief that parents must be involved in decisions impacting schools and their children.

Having served as a front-line administrator she understands the importance of having well written policies to guide the school division, and she also understands the negative impact of poorly written policies on students and teachers. Kelley would respectfully speak truth to power when she believed parents, students, or staff were not being well served by the policies being considered for adoption. I always appreciated her input as I considered recommending new policy or revisions to existing policy for the board’s debate and possible adoption. Kelley understands that the board members are policy makers, not administrators implementing policy. I believe she will seek policy solutions that first and foremost are good for children and will consider the wishes of parents and employees.

Please vote in the upcoming election and please vote for Kelley Pearson.


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